
Summer School at UniTrento


This year, UniTrento from ECIU university invites students to summer school: "The Psychological Humanities: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Well-being and Inclusion". Activities with students will take place in Rovereto. The school will start on Monday morning 19 June and will finish on Friday afternoon 30 June 2023, plus a follow-up session online on 17 July 2023.

Mar 01, 2023

PsyHuman Summer School is a two-week programme which includes seminars, workshops, and outdoor activities in person and a post-summer school online session as a follow-up.

Seminars and workshops will be based on lecturers from different disciplines: bio-medical, cultural, gender, law, literary, philosophical, psychological, and sociological studies. They will actively engage participants, who will be encouraged to share their own knowledge and competencies in the classroom, thus triggering a virtuous multidisciplinary learning process.

The PsyHuman Summer School fosters a model of well-being promotion that encompasses physical, mental, and socio-cultural determinants of health while challenging the dominant narratives of the ‘ideal’ mind- and body type.

It is based on the idea that the subject-centred and culture-bound approaches of the arts and humanities can complement clinical psychology and biomedical sciences, to promote well-being and build inclusive communities


Each ECIU university member, including Lodz University of Technology, can invite 2 students without an attendance fee. If you are interested in participating in this Summer School please contact our Student Mobility Division erasmus@info.p.lodz.pl.
